Older Xcode Versions Download

An Xcode toolchain (.xctoolchain) includes a copy of the compiler, lldb, and other related tools needed to provide a cohesive development experience for working in a specific version of Swift. Open Xcode’s Preferences, navigate to Components Toolchains, and select the installed Swift toolchain. I just successfully patched the newest versions of photoshop and illustrator with zii 6.0.9, but lightroom classic 10.2 doesn't seem to be working. My order of operations was the following: - download PS, illustrator, lightroom-download zii-patch everything.

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is the most recent release. It's a minor version, with bugfixes only, so it is fully compatible with projects developed for 0.11.0 or any newer version. Please see the changelog to get an overview of the differences between versions.

To use openFrameworks you will need an IDE, and the setup guide for your platform can walk you through this. Please post any bugs on the issues page, and post to the forum if you have any other questions. openFrameworks is distributed under the MIT License.


openFrameworks for

setup guides


openFrameworks for

setup guides


openFrameworks for

setup guides


openFrameworks for mobile platforms supports the same features as the desktop versions plus mobile specific features like acceleromter, compass, gps...


osx only

openFrameworks for

setup guides


openFrameworks for

setup guides

linux arm

openFrameworks for arm boards running linux like Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone (black), Pandaboard, BeagleBoard and others.
We have setup guides for some of the most common boards but it should work on any armv6 and armv7 board.

linux armv6

openFrameworks for

setup guides

linux armv7

openFrameworks for

setup guides

We release openFrameworks as an uncompiled library. This means that when you download and unzip openFrameworks, you will see the following folders: 'addons/', 'apps/', 'libs/', and a few more. These folders contain openFrameworks completely, so if you want to keep multiple versions of openFrameworks on your computer you should just create multiple folders. For example, one `of_v0.11.2_osx_release/` folder and one `of_v0.11.1_osx_release/` folder, each with their own `apps/` folder. Even when new versions of openFrameworks are released, your old apps will still compile with old versions of openFrameworks.
The examples folder is a great place to start. Inside examples you'll find a variety of examples that show what is possible with openFrameworks. They demonstrate font loading, graphics, audio input and output, sound file playback and FFT analysis, video grabbing, movie playing, image loading and saving, event handling, serial communication, and much more.

other releases

Older releases of openFrameworks are archived here. For the absolute latest version of openFrameworks, see the openFrameworks GitHub. If you're interested in contributing to openFrameworks, you should fork the GitHub repository and follow the guidelines for the openFrameworks GitHub workflow.

Most of the time, we just need the most up-to-date version of Xcode from the App Store. But occasionally we need an older version. So... how do you get past versions of Xcode?

Whyyy would I need an old version of Xcode?

Valid question – it’s not often you’ll need one. Two reasons off the top of my head though:

1) To compare with your previous experience

Perhaps you’re just wanting to see what things “used to be like”.

Maybe you’re struggling with the infamous “this code worked before…now it doesn’t…what changed?” and you just want to build your project with a prior version of Xcode in order to rule it out as the culprit.

Xcode Old Version Download For Mac

Grabbing an older version of Xcode could help you here.

2) To upgrade a very old project to newer versions of Swift

I hit this one the other day. I needed to update the exercise files for my Core Data Fundamentals with Swift course on Pluralsight.


I opened the project in Xcode 12 and this popped up:

Older Xcode Versions Download Free

Xcode 10.1??? That was a while ago. 😅

How to download

Regardless of your reason, the good news is that you can download old versions of Xcode (and a lot of other tools) from the Apple Developer Center.

The link is a bit hidden though, so I’ll leave it here for you as an easy-to-find breadcrumb:

  • https://developer.apple.com/download/more/

You’ll need to sign in to your Apple Developer account, but once you’re in, you’ll have access to lots of old stuff.

Every version of Xcode is available – all the way back to version 1.0, released in 2003.

You’ll also find prior versions of macOS, old versions of the command line tools, prior betas and release candidates of Xcode and macOS, and more.

How cool is that?

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